Thursday, 11 March 2010

Constructing Article For Double Page Spread

When I finally got round to creating my double page spread I took into account that planning what I wanted to include made it easier when finally typing it up; I had to make sure that I knew exactly what type of text my double page spread was such as an article, interview, news page or even a special feature of the initial band I was focusing on.

After planning carefully on what type of text would interest my target audience I decided that an interview with some of the band members would be ideal; as I was focusing on two bands which were Lost Souls and Fallback I took out the male from Fallback and then a female from Lost Souls and produced an exclusive interview with both members. By doing this made it easier for both genders of my target audience to relate to the band members and gaining a more in depth knowledge of what it was like to be a part of a band playing a particular genre of music that the readers enjoy.

Once doing great deal of research on the genre of magazines I'm focusing on it helped me to realise I had to be creating an interview that would essentially attract my reader. I needed to make sure I was using improper use of grammar as well as slang to fit in with the audience who were young meaning that I had to make sure that my language was informal to attract them to purchase further issues of my Fusion magazine.
Above is a print screen of my article, it will essentially enlarge to a readable size if you click it.

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