Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Leventhorpe Prospectus

By looking at the current prospectus of Leventhorpe sixth form I can tell that there are specific messages they are trying to put across to the reader, it is a simple cover but portrays s formal approach. The placement of images and text show the sophistication of the sixth form, the masthead is placed in the middle which is different compared to other magazine and prospectus covers.The "Lev 6" is a shortened version of the sixth form name showing that it's modern and up to date.

As it's a propectus it's most likely to be published yearly and is more information on the school which initially informs the reader of the sixth form. It also gives off the impression that it's a well structured organisation through the use of texts and images, the use of the colour red in the background draws attention as it's noticable and alerts the target audience.

The use of polysemic images of pupils in the sixth form indicates that they welcome people of different ethnicities worldwide, in every photo the students are smiling promoting a feeling of happiness making the reader feel more at ease and comfortable to apply.

The web address shows the sixth form to have a more professional approach as students can access the school over the internet showing that they are a technological and modern school, the use of simplistic text shows that the school's message is straight to the point and the layout is formal.

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